Monthly Archives: February 2014


DSCF3423[1] (2)Chispas this week went by fast! I am absolutely exhausted but it has been super good! First off on the news I got from home, CONGRATULATIONS to Josh and Sophia!!! I hate thinking I am going to miss out on 2 little nephews, but that makes me happy to hear that little Alvin and little Jose can hangout together! haha Also that is so crazy that Candace is just about done! If my next year and a half goes as fast as hers I will be home too soon! Also that was awesome to see the little bit of Coles wrestling match! Send me more! Such a stud!!! Good luck in regionals! If you make it to state as a sophomore you might take my place as the best Judd wrestler! Bahaha who am I kidding, that will NEVER HAPPEN!!

This week really flew by. Every day we have been busy and we get back to the house every night and I am always amazed at how fast that day was! Last monday the elders from Champoton came to Escarcega and we had a little missionary sleep over which is always fun! haha And that night after district meeting we went to a members house with all 6 of us missionaries and we just blew everybodys minds. What in the world are 4 gringos and 2 dominicans doing walking around in Escarcega, Mexico? Quien sabe… haha Also I bought some new super fly Mexican shoes that I am in love with.

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